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Thursday 3 July 2014



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This is AUD-USD Daily Chart Analyses. It Contains an Elliott Wave Forecast As well As Harmonic Upcoming Forecast for Long Term! 


                                 As the Elliot waves are proved to be working out really good! Therefore the current chart says that it is working out in a Complex Correction within channel and a Corrective Wave of 5 formations. This Pair is Expected to drop till 0.9245- 0.9235 and soon over again the Bullish Candles should take control of the Market Which is expected to continue till the level 0.9720-0.9750. As per Physical Law " Every Action have a Reaction ", The pair should have a Reaction to the Bullish Candles in the level 0.9720-0.9750 and Should Change its Trend to Bearish. Personally, I can see the market Retracement in Bearish till the Head of the Currently on-going Correction Channel upper TL. And Forward the Trend should be Fully Assumed to be working on Bullish Bias. 


                               Harmonic is another very important Aspect of Trading. In the figure below, it states an upcoming forecast for Harmonic. This Pattern is fully valid till now and Hopefully will be valid like Always! As soon I assume that Elliott Waves and Harmonic agree in a Chart. That Pattern should be Successful!

PROOF OF TRADE: http://prntscr.com/3z3391


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